These maps only record limited information related to BMDB events of deceased individuals ONLY. More information may be availble and you should feel free to contact the researcher. Blank or missing maps indicate that persons may still be alive, data may not exist or has not been entered yet.

GPS coordinates that have been verified (by site visitation) are marked with a green check mark. All other coordinates are obtained from Natural Resources Canada, US GNIS services, Google search results, Google Earth, Wikipedia or contributors and should be considered approximately until verified.


Bedfordshire County
Country of England
Berkshire County
Country of England
Buckinghamshire County
Country of England
Cambridgeshire County
Country of England
Cheshire County
Country of England
Cornwall County
Country of England
Cumberland County
Country of England
Derbyshire County
Country of England
Devonshire County
Country of England
Dorset County
Country of England
Durham County
Country of England
East Yorkshire County
Country of England
Essex County
Country of England
Glouchestershire County
Country of England
Hampshire County
Country of England
Hertfordshire County
Country of England
Isle of Man County
Country of England
Isle of Wight County
Country of England
Kent County
Country of England
Lancashire County
Country of England
Leicestershire County
Country of England
Lincolnshire County
Country of England
London County (formerly Middlesex)
Country of England